Product Name: BMW ICOM
Part No: A001
Neight Weight: 5KG
Product Description:
3G COMPONENTSIntegrated Service Information Server(ISIS) - ISIS will come as an enclosed server rack for protection.Included are two high performance servers, an Uninterruptible PowerSupply (UPS), and a 100 Gigabit switch
In its introductory stage, ISIS will be loaded with the first versionof Integrated Service Technical Application (ISTA-formerly known asANTARES). The first version of ISTA (1.1) will encompass the RepairManuals currently housed on the TIS website. Look for in-depth ISTAinformation in a future Service Information. Access to ISTA informationcan be accomplished via any ISID or properly configured PC with accessto the workshop network.
The ultimate configuration of ISIS will also be a central storagepoint for all Technical Information, diagnostic and programming dataupdated automatically via JET stream. Updated information is utilized byall workshop equipment.
Integrated Service Information Display (ISID) – ISIDwill eventually replace the GT1 and DISplus. ISID will support the newservice processes with numerous functions of diagnosis and laterprogramming. ISID will have a direct data connection with ISIS. It islighter than a GT1, costs less per unit and is standard with 2batteries-one of which is housed in the docking station for charging.
Integrated Communication Optical Module (ICOM) –ICOM is a high performance vehicle interface that will take the place ofthe GT1/DISplus diagnostic head and will eventually phase out theOPS/OPPS heads. While it supports the new service processes, it also isintegrated to older model series. ICOM will have a direct dataconnection with ISIS and runs wireless at 100 megabit as opposed to the 2megabit existing wireless 2G network, for a performance improvement of50 times. It is lighter than it predecessors and costs less per unit.
ICOM A--OBD style diagnostic vehicle connector withcommunication protocols for MOST, K-CAN, D-CAN, KL15/30 detection,ignition failure status, battery status and TD signal for measurements.
ICOM B--OBD style diagnostic vehicle connector with a high speed MOST extension for ICOM A. Uses USB connection to the ICOM A.
ICOM C--Old style 20 pin diagnostic vehicle connector (in engine compartment) to OBD. Service interval reset and engine speed signal.